Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic pain disorder that affects the trigeminal nerve. There are two main types: typical and atypical trigeminal neuralgia. The typical form results in episodes of severe, sudden, shock like pain in one side of the face that lasts for seconds to a few minutes.

Diet Intake
“Pain-safe” foods include brown rice, cooked or dried fruits such as cherries, cranberries, pears and prunes, and cooked vegetables such as artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, chard, lettuce, spinach, beans, squash and sweet potatoes.

Monounsaturated fatty acids should be included in your diet as these are high in essential fatty acids necessary for efficient metabolism thus helps in reducing inflammation. Monounsaturated fats are found in natural foods like nuts and avocados, grape seed oil, ground nut oil, sesame oil, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews and peanuts. Omega 3 fatty acids and Vitamin B are required to strengthen the cranial nerves, including the trigeminal nerve.
The fruits and vegetables that are rich in Omega 3 and Vitamin B are eggs, milk, yogurt, walnuts, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, brussel sprouts, kale , mint , parsley ,legumes, nuts, whole grains and leafy greens. Vitamin A rich foods would also be beneficial for boosting the immune system so apricots, carrots, cabbage, frozen peas, mango, parsley, tomatoes are great to include.

Foods to avoid
Diet rich in saturated fats and high glycemic index foods stimulate inflammation i.e., excessive saturated fats blocks the body from repairing the damage caused to the nerves in the face. Foods that contain a high proportion of saturated fat are butter, ghee, suet, lard, dairy products (especially cream and cheese), fatty meats as well as prepared foods like microwave meals. Foods that are rich in high glycemic index are soft drinks, white bread/rice, potatoes, beer, cake, commercial cereals etc.
Since the trigeminal nerve and its fibers are responsible for almost all sensations in the face, anything that creates a significant change in the mouth is a potential pain trigger. That includes foods that cause sensations of heat (salsa, chili, and hot sauce), cold (mint), sweetness, and sourness. The sharper the sensation, the more likely the food is to activate signals that set off the pain triggering fibers. Some patients have reported trouble with spices such as cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and black pepper. People whose primary trigger zone is the nose may get pain when eating foods with strong odours or from steamy foods.

The effect of diet upon facial pain is individualised, so the things that stimulate one person’s pain may not affect another. Some facial pain patients have said they were able to reduce their pain by reducing or avoiding intake of fatty foods, caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate and many soft drinks) and aspartame, the artificial sweetener.

Alternative treatments
Alternative treatments for trigeminal neuralgia are similar to those for occipital neuralgia, although there are some differences as the pain of trigeminal neuralgia is in the face rather than the back of the head. Some of these treatments include:
1. Homeopathy has been known to help some patients. Remedies are tailored to the person’s overall constitution and symptoms rather than to specific conditions so it is better to see a qualified homeopath who will take a medical history.
2. Acupuncture may help. A study at Tsurumi University School of Dental Medicine found that five out of 10 trigeminal neuralgia patients were restored to a pain-free state, four had a reduction in pain and the remaining one still had severe pain. They concluded: "meridian acupuncture treatment is useful and can be one therapeutic approach in the management of trigeminal neuralgia."

Supplements - The treatment of trigeminal neuralgia can be challenging
1. Vitamin B12 supplementation. This vitamin helps promote healthy nerve function. and in the search for alternatives, vitamin B12 has been found to be a clinically useful pharmacological useful tool for patients with neuropathic pain.
2. Omega 3. To help strengthen nerves and ease inflammation.
3. CBD - Evidence suggests that cannabinoids may prove useful in pain modulation by inhibiting neuronal transmission in pain pathways. Considering the pronounced antinociceptive effects produced by cannabinoids, they may be a promising therapeutic approach for the clinical management of trigeminal neuralgia.

Treating Kidney Infections

 Top tips for naturally treating kidney infections;

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid which has certain antibacterial properties. Although a vinegar it is actually an alkaline so can therefore assist the body in getting rid of the infection.

Apple cider vinegar can also be taken for urinary bladder infection in order to prevent the infection from spreading into the kidneys. It also helps in resolving bladder infection and in promoting a speedy recovery.

You can take 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar mixed with a glass of water. Take this drink twice in a day.

2. Garlic

Garlic is a strong natural remedy that has the potential to help resolve kidney infections.

Garlic contains an active ingredient called allicin that acts as an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal agent. It is also an antioxidant that cures a wide range of diseases.

Allicin Max garlic supplements are excellent.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric is a potent natural remedy that can resolve kidney infection and speed up the recovery process.

Turmeric contains an active ingredient known as curcumin which is a strong anti-bacterial agent. Curcumin is also an anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal agent that helps in inhibiting the growth and spread of all kinds of microbes.

You can either consume pure turmeric powder or mix it with food. Alternatively, you can also take turmeric supplements in the form of capsules.

4. Diet

Your diet should be as low sugar as possible. This is because sugar encourages the development of bacteria. Avoid food items like cakes, biscuits, chocolates, soft drinks and alcohol.

Add more probiotics to your diet. Foodstuffs like yogurt, tofu and kefir contain lots of probiotics. Probiotics inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and promote the spread of healthy bacteria.

5. Ginger

Ginger is an effective remedy for kidney infections.

Ginger contains an active ingredient known as gingerols which is an antibacterial agent that inhibits the spread of bacteria within the kidneys.

Try fresh ginger and lemon in warm water to start your day as this will act as an excellent digestive cleanse.

Top Tips For Painful Periods

Painful menstruation is known as Dysmenorrhea which literally means “difficult menstruation”.  Considering that Dysmenorrhea is an inflammatory state in the body, it is important to avoid foods that increase inflammation response. High glycemic foods are known to increase levels of inflammatory chemicals in the body.

Avoid refined carbohydrates. Stick to whole grains like oats, millet, brown rice, quinoa.

Eat enough of the right kinds of fats. Eating fats like quality organic meats, butter, coconut oil, ghee, olive oil, etc can help boost proper hormone production.

Eliminate sugary foods and processed sugar. Remember sugar is hidden in everything. Up to 2 tsp in some sliced bread so watch out. Try swapping out standard sugar for Stevia or Xylitol as a sweetener.

Exercise. If you have hormone imbalance, intense extended exercise can actually make the problem worse in the short term. Sleep is actually more important, at least during the balancing phase, so focus on relaxing exercises like walking, yoga or swimming and avoid the extended running or intense cardio.

Consider eliminating dairy. Dairy products are congesting to the body. If you choose dairy, try to purchase organic or organic raw dairy only to avoid added hormones.

Reduce red meat consumption. This is because red meat is high in arachidonic acid (AA). This has been found to increase cellular inflammation in some people. Choose organic free range meats and eggs when possible to avoid added hormones.

Vitamin A. Be sure to get enough Vitamin A through natural sources like cod liver oil or carrots. This will help to keep estrogen levels regulated.

Buy Vitamin A HERE

Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is needed to help produce ‘good’ prostaglandins which help to relax and widen blood vessels as opposed to ‘bad’ prostaglandins which increase the womb contractions and increase the pain. So it is worth taking a good B-complex supplement. This vitamin has been shown to significantly reduce the intensity and duration of period pains.

Buy B Complex HERE

Magnesium. Magnesium helps to relax smooth muscle tissue. It has been shown to reduce menstrual cramping greatly. Magnesium deficiency is a leading cause of menstrual cramps.

Buy Magnesium Glycinate HERE

Basil. Basil is another very effective herb for reducing menstrual pain and cramps. The caffeic acid present in basil has analgesic, or pain-killing properties.

Ginger. Ginger is a wonder herb that can effectively ease menstrual cramps. This herb plays a key role in lowering the levels of the pain-causing prostaglandins. It also helps fight fatigue associated with premenstrual syndrome. If you experience nausea or vomiting or due to painful cramping and hormonal changes, ginger is one of the best herbs to soothe the stomach. It is also anti-inflammatory.

Chamomile. Chamomile tea is both anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic. It is also helpful for women with digestive constipation contributing to pain. Because this herb is also a mild sedative it may help to reduce stress, relax the nervous system and induce a restful state in the body. This can be very useful when experiencing menstrual cramping accompanied by anxiety and irritability.

Breast Tenderness

Breast pain (mastalgia) is a common symptom that affects up to two-thirds of women in the UK, mostly between the ages of 30 and 50.

Breast pain may be felt as a heaviness or soreness, and has also been described as a stabbing or burning pain. It's usually felt in the upper, outer area of your breasts and may extend from your breasts to your armpits, and sometimes down your arms.

Many women worry that breast pain may be a sign of a serious condition. However, breast pain by itself is not a symptom of breast cancer and breast pain does not increase your risk of developing breast cancer.

In most cases, breast pain is relatively mild, although some women experience moderate or severe pain. Severe or chronic breast pain can interfere with daily activities and lead to stress, anxiety or depression.

Any pain or lumps that are ongoing and do not come and go with your monthly cycle should be investigated by your GP but for cyclical pain try these changes;

·         When you’re in the shower, soap your breasts and gently massage them from the centre of your chest out to your armpits. This improves blood circulation.

·         Wrap a towel around a bag of ice cubes and apply it to each breast for about 10 minutes. The cold-pack treatment reduces swelling and dulls the pain.

·         Consider wearing support bras instead of underwire bras when your breasts are tender. You may want to wear your bra to bed to reduce nighttime jostling.

·         Consume plenty of fibre, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes (like lentils and black beans) and whole grains. A higher-fibre diet helps you excrete more estrogen, which helps with breast tenderness.

·         Aim to get less than 30 percent of your calories from fat.

·         Reduce your consumption of methylxanthine, a component of many common foods, including coffee, tea, wine, beer, bananas, chocolate, cheese, peanut butter, and mushrooms. Most women who endure painful lumps on a cyclical basis will improve if they cut back on foods that are high in this compound.

·         Sodium increases water retention, which causes your breasts to swell. Be especially careful to keep a cap on your salt consumption starting about two weeks before your period.

·         Dandelion is a natural diuretic. Take the herb in capsule form, or make a tea. Drink three cups a day.

·         Try evening primrose oil, a traditional herbal remedy for premenstrual symptoms. It contains an essential fatty acid GLA that may help balance a woman’s hormones and seems to ease cyclical breast tenderness.

  • Buy Evening Promrose Oil HERE

·         Vitamins E and B6 may also work together to help prevent breast tenderness. While you may have to use supplements, you can boost the vitamins in your diet by eating nuts, barley and wheat germ for more vitamin E, and avocados, lean meats and spinach for plenty of B6.